Eugster Direct. Aiguille du Midi

Despre acest traseu auzim mai rar, nu are foarte mult renume si pare sa fie deseori uitat printre multe alte trasee vecine care parcurg spectaculosul versant nordic al lui Aiguille du Midi. Linia sa însă, urmareste cel mai evident și direct culoar care urcă spre stația finală a cabinei cocoțate în vârful acului de la Midi.

Eugster Direct. Aiguille du Midi2020-06-28T15:03:54+00:00

Mihnea Prundeanu. Alpinist. Geographer. IFMGA Mountain Guide.

I love the mountains and the sports. I also love to travel, to discover the beauty of nature, to meet new people and learn about different cultures. My semi-nomadic lifestyle revolves around my family and my two passions: alpinism and geography, that have blended so well together. I believe that authentic alpinism means exploration, discovery of new ways of getting to the top, minimalist, fast and clean ascents and these are the values I try to reflect in my personal projects.

Mihnea Prundeanu. IFMGA Guiding with Alpine Tours.

My passion for the mountains started when I was a child when I would often make small excursions around the city or go camping with the scouts. Since then I visited or guided expeditions in the Alps, Himalayas, Andes and other remote areas. When I am not involved in personal projects I enjoy sharing my passion for the mountains with those wishing to discover it. To get in touch, you can write at

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